Digital First: the latest trends, technologies and strategies in the digital world
Digital First: the latest trends, technologies and strategies in the digital world and learn from the industry’s top thought leaders and innovators.

An annual event with leading speakers, it covers crucial topics such as artificial intelligence, digital transformation, marketing and data analytics.
Yesterday at Digital First (
Jan Moons and Johan Moons (AE) showed how useful an AI virtual assistant trained with internal company information 🧠 can be
Fabian Delhaxhe showed how powerful Linkedin is for 📰 content marketing
I had an interesting chat with Yoeri Conickx (Two Point O) about next level marketing automation.
In the Odoo demo by Fabien Pinckaers it was super to see how useful life as an entrepreneur can be when everything is packed together in one single application 🤲.
Laurent-David Hostyn (Givemefive) has given great tips for setting a price/package 💰 for a product or service that you offer to your customers.
Lara S.: thank you for the nice chat and delicious mocktail 🍸 !