A digital ecosystem that helps make our rivers plastic-free by 2050


River Cleanup informs, transforms and takes action

River Cleanup informs, transforms and takes action as a driving force to reduce single-use products. Together we looked for ways to set up an online platform to facilitate global actions, reporting and management in a kind of Cleanup Hub.


  • a platform that can be used worldwide

  • easily organize and participate in actions

  • multilingualism (15 languages)

  • separate domain names

  • scalable, no licensing costs

we developed

  • a user-friendly and high-performance management environment with customized CMS functions

  • specific experience and access rights for the different stakeholders

  • API connections and data exchange with external systems

Digitally inform, transform and take action

How can we achieve more as individuals and as a community when it comes to reducing waste?

River Cleanup searches for new answers to that question every day, helping citizens and organizations to avoid single-use products as much as possible.

The website is an important source of information, on the one hand by launching projects around a specific geographical location, river or technology and on the other hand by facilitating the setting up and follow-up of (clean-up) actions.

Continuous evolution and optimization: complex, made workable

The logistics and organization behind the operation of River Cleanup is constantly evolving.

It is therefore evident that the technical structure of the website contains some complexity.

Yet, together with the team at River Cleanup and Duval Branding, we looked for a way to set up flows and other tasks for administrators, project managers, organizers and participants as workable and intuitive as possible.

In addition to simplifying event registration and validation flows, reporting and export functions, we developed a flexible content builder with building blocks, which allows different users to build content all over the world in a user-friendly and consistent manner.

These building blocks include both static content building blocks and dynamic building blocks that display dynamic data such as statistics (number of participants, number of kilograms of waste collected, etc

Strong facts since 2018:

  • more than 5.000 events worldwide, 250.000 participants, 3.500.000 kg of waste collected

  • in more than 80 countries with more than 160 rivers

  • more than 25.000 login users

Platform for the whole world: stand-alone independent hubs

The River Cleanup platform goes far beyond the name “website” and is rather called a “Digital Hub”.

Due to its global nature, there was a need to create new sections (hubs) in the website without restrictions and without complex technical interventions with their:

  • own domain name

  • own navigation

  • own content

  • own reporting

=> This is applied for rivers, countries or specific projects: always with their local responsible project managers.

Personalized and automated

The technical architecture included integration with the Marketing Automation platform Hubspot.

With this tool and this wealth of data, automation flows are launched on organization, participation, birthday, etc. that send personalized communication.

In addition, each stakeholder in the platform gets their own experience/access, adapted to his/her needs:

  • If you participate in a action, you will receive a user account with your own dashboard

  • If you organize a action, you will receive a user account with your own dashboard and management rights to update your action, follow up registrations, etc.

  • As a project manager, you will be provided with a management environment with which you can manage your project page(s) + manage all actions, registrations and waste registrations that fall under your project

  • As a River Cleanup administrator, you have a global overview of everything

Sevendays: sustainable partner of River Cleanup

In May 2019, Sevendays built the first digital platform for River Cleanup.

Now, many years later, we are continuing to write the digital story of River Cleanup, including a major data migration from Drupal to Laravel.

We believe very much in the story and support River Cleanup by covering part of the development costs, so we have a positive and tangible impact.